Category: Abe Observes Abe Observes
Published: 14 April 2017 14 April 2017

By Abe Villarreal

It takes holidays, anniversaries, to force us to remember the important things in life. From birthdays to wedding dates, without holidays, life would just keep happening, without pauses for reflection.

On Sunday, millions of Christians will be commemorating what is essentially the foundation for their belief system. An event that has no parallel by another religious group. A story that some say is the greatest ever told.

In this century, Americans are learning that every individual has the right to believe in what he feels is his right, not what ancestors and history have told him is correct.

The Easter story stands in stark contrast. It is the story of a God, transformed through an incarnation, taking on a human body. The scriptures describe Him as a regular looking fellow. He had no halo and didn't stand out in a crowd. If we were to have lived in those times, in the Holy Land, His appearance would surprise us.

Contrary to what we grew up seeing in picture books and old Hollywood movies, His hair was not long and flowing. His eyes were likely not crystal blue. He wasn't white.

The son of a carpenter, He was born in a stable. The most humble of beginnings. The sound of trumpets could not be heard alerting the town of his arrival. Just a bright star, followed by a few wise men that would make a journey to find him alone, surrounded by animals and two chosen people.

Screenwriters and movie producers make a living from telling these stories. All the elements of an emotional, captivating film are found in this one, but no one had to make it up. It happened 2,000 years ago.

A short, 33 years later, He would be turned in by a fatal kiss, from a follower that found money was more desirable than learning the ways of life from his Master.

He was put on trial, mocked, beaten and spit on by soldiers, direct orders from the Emperor. Adorned with a crown of thorns, His arms stretched wide and nailed on a cross. He was erected on a hill to send us a powerful message.

His death brought us a gift. Not the kind you find as a little surprise in a bright colored egg. His gift was one we never expected and didn't deserve. Some haven't opened it yet, but the gift has no expiration date. It sits there waiting, patiently. While it may seem complicated, if we think about it just a little, it's easy to unwrap.

Every Easter holiday, families come together. They get dressed in their Sunday's best. Many of them congregate to hear this story. Some hear it for the first time, and some open their hearts and accept the gift that He gave us through His story more than 2,000 years ago.

It's not just the greatest story ever told. It's the greatest gift ever given. Don't be afraid to open it.

Abe Villarreal is the Director of Communications at Western New Mexico University. When not on campus, he enjoys writing about his observations on marketing, life, people and American traditions.