Category: Immigration Matters Immigration Matters
Published: 13 July 2018 13 July 2018

Upon reading Tom Vaughan’s re-re-reply to my reply to his original reply to my initial article I have come to the same conclusion Ronald Regan came to, “the problem is that our liberal friends know so much that simply is not true.” I am not being sarcastic. What is also clear is that, “there are none so blind as he who will not see.” Poor misguided Mr. Vaughan and so many others have fallen prey to a false narrative circulated by the mainstream media and the Democrat Party, probably to inflame emotions and Tom Vaughan is living proof that they have been successful. There is plenty of false information on the internet and in the media to keep folks like Tom stirred up and misinformed.

I saw the news clips he cites and after presentation in June 2018 the press had to admit that those pictures were of processing facilities from the 2014-2015 surge that took place before Donald J. Trump became president. What was not presented then were photographs and videos of adults posing as children and obvious gang members being held with prepubescent children in the same detention room. So why didn’t that create outrage before Donald J. Trump even announced his candidacy? Simple, it was the fake news establishment reporting what the Democrat administration was doing and everybody just put on their rose colored glasses and continued to sing the praises of that administration. So what has poor old Tom Vaughan so agitated at President Trump was actually the fault of President Obama.

Nice try on the one-year-old before the Immigration Judge in Phoenix, Tom. You were fooled again. What is actually happening is the parents of children are bringing them illegally into the United States and then returning to their country of origin and intentionally leaving the child behind in the custody of the United States. You see, Tom, these illegal aliens are gaming our immigration system and the fake stream media are not reporting the whole truth. The parent is counting on the child being taken care of by the United States (with our tax dollars) and at some time in the future providing the family members in the source country with an Immigration Benefit in the United States. So the real culprit is the parent that intentionally returned to Central America without their child, not the administration. This is a practice that should be discouraged by sending the child back to their parent in the home country. Then there is the situation where the adult claiming to be the parent of a child is obviously not the parent and all the child has is a telephone number of someone inside the United States written on their dress. Again, it is the sending parent that is to blame and if the scam is successful we can expect more of the same behavior. 

To put it plainly, Tom Vaughan, you have willingly been deceived and manipulated. What is worse is you are influencing others by spreading the false information.

The entire reason I post on the Grant County Beat is to shed light on the truth about Immigration with an eye toward educating Americans. Stop being a patsy, Tom, take advantage of the information provided and objectively evaluate it without immediately having a visceral apoplectic convulsion upon first reading it. The truth will set you free.

This is my request to you to let the healing begin by watching this video.

[Editor's Note: Warning: this is not a pleasant video for a Hillary supporter, but the video shows how her supporters were tricked, lied to and led astray. Please watch to the end, and let the healing begin.].

Zack Taylor, Chairman and Border Security Expert
National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers