Category: Chamber Corner Chamber Corner
Published: 27 February 2015 27 February 2015

By Scott Terry

If you didn't attend the Grand Opening of the Holiday Inn Express in Silver City, you missed a pretty cool event. It had the normal grand opening things: a chamber of commerce ribbon cutting, great refreshments, seeing the new rooms and the remodeled areas of the hotel. However the fun part was being out by the new outdoor pool and watching people take the Polar Plunge to raise money for various charitable organizations. Watching Mr. Terrazas go in wearing a suit, silk tie, nice shoes, and even his watch... well that was crazy. WNMU President, Dr. Joe Shepard, pulled Paul Leetmae, owner of the Lawley Automotive Group, into the pool. There were belly flops, backward flops, cannon balls, and even a forward flip that would have scored a respectable 6.5 on the judging scale. The folks at Holiday Inn Express made it very enjoyable.

Speaking of ribbon cuttings, the Chamber of Commerce is scheduled to cut a ribbon at Finn's Gallery, 406 North Bullard Street in Silver City. Finn's Gallery, a shop filled with nice hand-made jewelry and items, will have its Grand Opening the weekend of March 6 and 7. The ribbon cutting will be held on Friday, March 6 at 10 a.m.

As some of you may remember, a couple of months ago I wrote about how I like fried chicken. Growing up in the South, barnyard bird was served at the dinner table fairly often. Well, earlier this week, I stopped in at a shop being built in The Hub Plaza, located along Bullard Street in Silver City. You guessed it... they are going to sell chicken wings. Mmmmm, I hope they have a ribbon cutting and offer some free samples. We'll just have to wait and see. Anyway, I'm starting to drool a little just thinking about a plate full of wings and a cold beverage.

Okay... let's throw this out on the table... I honestly don't know. That's the answer to the question... "Why did all the Subways close?" Maybe they didn't sell enough meatball subs. Maybe the lease on the shop spaces got too high. Admittedly, I'm not a big bread eater so I was a terrible Subway customer. We continue to look for opportunities to bring new businesses to Grant County... so here's another space to try to fill.

When it comes to Relocation and Tourism requests for information, we are staying very busy. During the months of November, December and January, the Chamber of Commerce mailed 171 packets to individuals and boxes of tourism information to three separate Visitors Centers. So far in February, we have already mailed another 65 packets. It's always amazing to see all the states we send information to. From Alaska to Florida, from North Carolina to California... and there are even a few people in foreign countries that have gotten our packets of information about Grant County. I know it's my job... but I still find it pretty darn cool that people all over the country want to know more about our community.

So if you are wondering, how do I get the chamber of commerce to send out information about my business? Call me... my office number is 538-3785. If you're thinking, I need to talk to this chamber guy I hear on the radio and read about in the paper... call me at 538-3785. Or if you want to complain about local government, the local schools, and dogs barking at night in your neighborhood... call me at 538-3785, and I'll give you the appropriate phone number to call for complaints. The Silver City Grant County Chamber of Commerce - we're all about sharing information.