Category: Chamber Corner Chamber Corner
Published: 01 July 2015 01 July 2015

On July 4, 1776, we claimed our independence from Britain... and democracy was born in America. Throughout these several hundred years, millions of people have traveled from their homelands to "the land of the free and the home of the brave" to seek their American Dream.

The United States is truly a diverse nation made up of wonderful, dynamic people. Each year on July 4, we Americans celebrate that freedom and independence with barbecues, picnics, and family gatherings. Here in Grant County we have an organized celebration with a parade, great food, live music, vendors, and fireworks.

Here is a list of some of the things that will take place this Saturday - July 4th.

7 a.m. Kiwanis "All-you-can-eat" Pancake Breakfast (Gough Park)

8 a.m. Parade Line-up begins at south end of Hudson Street (Hudson Plaza)

9 a.m. Music begins and vendor and food booths open (Gough Park)

10 a.m. 4th of July Parade Begins

Route - North along Hudson Street from Broadway Street to 14th Street

Parade Marshalls: Mayor Charles Kelly (Bayard)

Mayor Edward Encinas (Hurley)

Mayor Michael Morones (Silver City)

10:30 a.m. Kiwanis Pulled Pork BBQ Lunch

11 a.m. Live Music (Gough Park)

11 a.m. Ice Cream Social (Silver City Museum)

4 p.m. Vendors and Live Music end (Gough Park)

After Dark Fireworks Show from the top of the hill behind Grant County Administration Office

Our celebration could not be successful without volunteers and sponsors. We appreciate the Lions Club for helping line up the parade each year. Two corporate sponsors that have been extremely generous are PNM and First Financial Credit Union. Other sponsors are: BlueLine Rental, Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Ashburn, Dave Thomas, Disabled American Veterans Ft. Bayard Chapter 1, Douglas D. Gorthy D.D.S., Grant County Beat, James Kane & Lucy Whitmarsh, LJ Lundy Real Estate, Silver City Daily Press, Silver Trailer & Truck Accessories, and VFW Post Commander Jim Zawacki.

Our theme for this year's event is "Rally Round the Flag". We love the stars and stripes of Old Glory. May she forever wave... and we hope you will share your love and pride for our National Flag this Saturday - July 4. Bring your American flag to wave as the parade passes by.

I hope you have a fun and safe Independence Day weekend.