Category: Chamber Corner Chamber Corner
Published: 14 September 2016 14 September 2016

I had the good fortune to sit in on a meeting about the future of the Village of Santa Clara. If there is one guy in Grant County that has a heck of a vision for his community, it's Mayor Richard Bauch. During his tenure as Mayor, the Village of Santa Clara has begun a process of redefining itself and planning for future expansion through a variety of plans and programs. From erecting new parks, upgrading the facades of buildings, helping create new jobs, developing an area to produce gross receipts tax, and working to get the State of New Mexico to allow Santa Clara the opportunity to develop Fort Bayard... this village and its leadership have great vision. The Chamber of Commerce stands behind their efforts and offers to do what we can to assist Santa Clara to succeed.

Dreaming is one thing, yet having the vision and ability to make that dream come true is something else. In Silver City, Mayor Ken Ladner is working on a vision with his town council. Efforts often start small and then grow as consensus is built. The Town of Silver City continues to move forward on new Welcome to Silver City signs. Work is being performed to look at possibilities for new entertainment venues. During a time when state dollars are getting slimmer to none, the Silver City Town Council is striving to make certain the community can weather the financial storm that is tearing at our State coffers.

And though I have mentioned a vision of current political leaders, how about the vision of political candidates? Election Day 2016 isn't far away. So what vision or dreams are the candidates sharing?

I urge each one of you to read about and listen to the candidates running for political offices locally and within regional politics. It really shouldn't be a matter of who is a Democrat or who is a Republican. Yet, your vote should be given to the individual who more closely holds to your beliefs. You should vote for the person you believe will do the best job for our families and our communities. And if you don't remember anything else from this article... here is the most important item - VOTE. You must vote to make your voice heard.

So briefly, let's talk about political signs. WARNING, WARNING POLITICAL CANDIDATES - do not put up your signs in such a manner that the sign blocks our vision of traffic. There are a couple of intersections that have become dangerous and I have heard other fine folks complain about the lack of vision for oncoming traffic. Here's an example: Highway 180 and Alabama (Cottage San Road). It seems that candidates have a vision that this is a great intersection to place signs. But it is terrible for the people driving. Those drivers wish they had x-ray vision to see through the political signs. So candidates... please don't let your vision hinder the actual vision of others in the community.

Speaking of vision, our October 6 lunch meeting will include Dr. Joe Shepard from WNMU and Brian Cunningham from Gila Regional Medical Center. These two men will share their visions for us. Dr. Shepard will discuss the state's General Obligation Bonds for higher education and Mr. Cunningham will discuss the need to raise property tax for use at the hospital. Both issues will be on the November ballot, so pay close attention to what these gentlemen have to say.

If you need additional information, call the Silver City Grant County Chamber of Commerce office. We are always happy to share our vision. The Chamber's phone number is 575-538-3785 or visit the Chamber's website: