Category: Gospel Mission News Gospel Mission News
Published: 26 June 2015 26 June 2015

This week, good old 'trash can man' took a road trip with NPR's Allison Aubrey to look at why good food is being discarded, and what can be done to prevent it.

In this video, he learned that roughly 40 percent of food produced in America never makes it to the table. Whether it rots in the field, is trashed at the supermarket, or thrown out at home there are ways to prevent it.

Here at the Mission, we rescue food from our local Walmart, Albertson's, Food Basket, Daylight Donuts, and many other local restaurants.

This, along with food and cash donated from many of you, helps to us to feed more that 2,500 meals every month in our soup kitchen. And most of the folks we have coming to eat in the back of the place really need the help and while they may miss a meal or two occasionally, they are pretty well fed compared to what could be.

So if you have time, watch the video above and see how you can help make sure that no one around our area goes hungry.