Category: Libertarian Leanings Libertarian Leanings
Published: 19 March 2015 19 March 2015

By Peter Burrows

I recommend everybody watch a terrific five minute "You Tube" of Representative Trey Gowdy, R-SC, on the House floor giving a speech on the purpose of Congress, ending with an impassioned declaration, "We make law!" (

I really like Gowdy. It is too bad he is so, so deluded. Congress may THINK it makes law, but people who have to deal with the IRS, OSHA, the EPA, the NLRB, the USFWS, etc. etc. know that the REAL lawmakers are not the people we elect to "make law," but a faceless ruling class growing ever more powerful.

The intrusiveness of this ruling class seems to be growing lately, and, as always, is mostly unchecked by the people we elect to represent us. Let me be quite clear: "ruling class" means the vast bureaucracies, especially those in Washington, D.C., that pour out new rules and regulations