Category: Power the Future Power the Future
Published: 11 July 2023 11 July 2023

Albuquerque – Power The Future is calling on the Lujan Grisham Administration to abandon their electric vehicle hypocrisy. Last week, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham announced she would mandate new rules requiring electric vehicles make up 43 percent of cars for sale in New Mexico within four years. However, requested public records uncovered that EVs make up only 0.8% of cars in the state. Additionally, in fiscal year 2021, state employees in the Lujan Grisham administration drove over 12.2 million miles with only 10,849 of those driven in EVs, less than 1 percent. In 2019, the Lujan Grisham administration announced the intention to spend $3.5 million of taxpayer dollars to buy EVs for state employees.

“It’s past time for Governor Lujan Grisham to ‘charge up or shut up’ over her forced EV mandates,” said Larry Behrens, Communications Director for Power The Future. “The people of New Mexico have spoken, and less than 1 percent have opted for an EV, yet the Governor wants to artificially drive that number closer to 50. The Governor loves her EV photo-ops but she’s just another green hypocrite refusing to play by her own rules.”