Category: Undeniably Right Undeniably Right
Published: 27 March 2015 27 March 2015

We, as a society, don't do enough 'porch sitting' anymore. Do you remember a time when people sat on their porches, drank some iced tea or another beverage of choice, and watched the world go by? Just observed the kids playing, the neighbors working in their yards and relaxed. Once in a while I like to sit in my office and just stare out the window, watching people go by and thinking about what's going on in this world. Some of the things I've thought about:

The best way to make someone remember you is to borrow money from them.

I'm going to buy 4 pigs, write the numbers 1-2-3-5 on their backs then release them into a store and watch security look for #4.

Being famous on Facebook is basically like being rich in Monopoly.

It's about who you miss at 2 in the afternoon when you are busy; not about who you miss at 2 a.m. when you are lonely.

I used to be in a band called 'Missing Cat'; you probably saw our posters around town.

Is it wrong to drop off drunk friends at the wrong house?

Home is not 4 walls; it's two eyes and a beating heart.

Only dead fish go with the flow.

When I was a kid you didn't have to say, "Don't try this at home". We weren't complete morons.

I hate it when I don't forward that chain letter and wake up dead the next day.

This is important: never, ever make eye contact while eating a banana. It's awkward.

Kisses are like real estate; it's all about location, location, location.

Why does the time change on Sunday morning depriving us of an hour of sleep? I say we leap forward an hour on Friday at 4 p.m. when no one wants to be at work anyway.

What if a dog brings the ball back because they think we like throwing it?

The best way to build self confidence is to do exactly what you didn't think you could do; not by getting a participation trophy.

Be careful when you blindly follow the masses; sometimes the 'm' is silent.

I really shouldn't have driven home from the bar last night; especially since I walked there.

There you go; now sit back and enjoy a quiet, relaxing moment on your porch or patio and watch the world. You'll be amazed what happens.