Category: Undeniably Right Undeniably Right
Published: 22 May 2015 22 May 2015

We know that criminals will comply with the law when one of them steals a gun in a burglary, then tries to sell it to a gang banger; of course they'll submit to the process. There is no empirical evidence that such laws actually reduce violent criminal activity. It's another liberal panacea designed to make namby pamby panty waists feel like the government is 'doing something' to make their lives safer. If fact, they are making it easier for criminals to have guns and harder for law abiding citizens to protect themselves.

Michael Bloomberg, the ultimate RINO, financed the campaign and liberals across the land flooded the phones and email accounts of Oregon's elected officials. The result was the Governor signing SB 941, and creating some of the most restrictive gun control laws in the nation. The biggest part of the law is the universal background check requirement. That means if you want to give or trade guns with your cousin, your best friend or anyone else in a private transaction (not to mention a public transaction) both of you must submit to a background check, report the proposed transaction to the state police AND get their permission to trade guns. Want to give a gun to your son or daughter? Background check, report, and receive permission.

Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation. The icon of liberal polices has seen Mayor Rahm Emmanuel tighten up gun laws in the last couple of years. What has been the result? One of the most violent cities in the country and the world. Criminals have guns, law abiding citizens don't. The criminals know that and take advantage of the disparity in protective and offensive capability.

Over the weekend, 42 people were shot in Chicago. Including an 81 year old grandmother waiting on her front porch to attend her daughter's memorial service. While standing on the porch waiting for her ride, some thugs in a white SUV drove by, opened fire and hit her multiple times. She is in critical condition having suffered gun shot wounds to her wrist, stomach, and arm. We see stories every day about law abiding citizens protecting lives, property, and others by pulling their legally owned weapon and stopping criminals from doing bad things.

Back to Oregon; Americans are tiring of being told by the left wing that we are gun toting, Bible thumping nut jobs, that we are a danger to ourselves and others because we own guns and believe in the Christian God. A Facebook page has been started by freedom and Constitution loving Patriots; they will not abide by the law and are going to hold a rally to express their displeasure with not only the law, but the fact that we are being punished by our elected officials for the actions of law breaking criminals. And that those who seek to curtail our freedoms and infringe upon our rights are often the ones breaking our laws in pursuit of socialist policies and a tyrannical pursuit of power.

A storm is coming. I have no doubt that the planned demonstrations will be peaceful, unless the politicians decide to crack down on the 'terrorists'. It remains to be seen what the coming storm will be; a political tidal wave that would remove the current cabal from power or a rebellion, peaceful or otherwise, that will forever change the United States. The only certainty is that the liberals have pushed us to the point that a sleeping giant is being awakened and a time of reckoning is upon us.