Category: Undeniably Right Undeniably Right
Published: 26 June 2015 26 June 2015

After reading the Supreme Court majority decision regarding Obamacare and listening to Rachel Dolezal tell an T.V. reporter that she her reality is that she's black and not white; it's clear that words no longer mean anything. All words are now open to the interpretation of each individual in order to accomplish their desired objective. The implications are mind boggling.
Essentially we no longer have to follow statutory law because the words don't mean what the words used to mean because that's not my reality. We now have the rule of man, not the rule of law, full blown. Those of you that graduated from public school when it was OK to teach history, civics, and other now offensive subjects will understand that is one of the major reasons our forefathers decided to cut ties with England.

U.S. Representative Alcee Hastings, D-IL, is complaining that he and his colleagues are vastly underpaid and we, the American people, need to pony up some more money, unless you want to get the representation you deserve by underpaying your overlords, err, representatives. It has been 7 years since they have received a pay raise and $174,000 a year is not enough money to live upon. Hastings believes 50, or maybe 75, reps are actually living in their offices because they cannot afford digs in Washington D.C. Mr. Hastings, lets not forget that the position for which you ran and were elected was never intended to be a career, an avocation, or your primary source of income. It was meant to be a citizen legislator, coming together for a relatively short time,setting the policies by which the executive branch ran the country; then you returned home to your life, living under the rules you promulgated while in session. Let us also not forget that you have seriously abrogated your duties, not having passed a budget in seven years, for example. I can go on about how you have burdened this nation with hundreds of thousands of regulations, endless taxes, and killed jobs. Mr. Hastings, there are people who have not worked in seven years, people who have lost their health insurance because of your policies and laws. Maybe you are actually overpaid for the work you have done.

Speaking of getting a poor value; Hillary Clinton is getting caught in more and more lies. It appears she knew within hours of the Benghazi raid that the attack was organized at least 10 days prior to the event. Yet she continued to call it a spontaneous event. Thick Ankles then said she had one email address while at the State Department because she didn't like carrying around 2 phones. Video tapes have shown she had 2 phones and now the NY Times has shown that she also had 2 email addresses while she was Secretary of State. But leftists and RINOs will continue to support her because we need to have a female president to show ourselves and the world how 'progressive' we are. Look how that's worked out for us the last 6 years.

Chris Rock said, "white people must start owning their actions." Yeah, we need to feel guilty about crap that we never did. I never owned a slave, neither did my mom, dad, or grandparents. It was black people who sold other black people into slavery, so if you believe you should atone for the sins of your fathers, it's time for you to apologize, Chris. It was a black man who was the first legal slave owner in America. More white people are shot and killed in America by cops than black people. Last time I watched the news about riots in Baltimore, Ferguson, Los Angeles or anywhere else that blacks were being 'discriminated against' it was black people looting their own businesses; black people pulling white men out of trucks or their homes and beating them, just for being white. Last time I read about history, it was Democrats standing on the school house steps saying blacks would not be allowed into the building; it was white Republicans ending slavery, starting the NAACP and battling against Jim Crow laws. It's black leaders telling black communities that they have no power and can't do things for themselves. So tell me again who needs to start taking responsibility for their actions?