Category: Undeniably Right Undeniably Right
Published: 28 August 2015 28 August 2015

We are not far removed from the height of this controversy: people want the Stars & Bars removed from just about everything, including history books, because it represents, to them, racism. That shows their ignorance along with their victim mentality. But let's assume that the flag did represent racism and thus should be removed from public display. There's something else that should be removed from public usage and display because of its ties to a terrible time in world history.

The iconic VW Beetle has to go. If you own one, drive one, or had one in the past, you are anti-Semitic, hate anyone that isn't of Aryan descent and you are racist, bigoted, and support the Holocaust. Using the same logic as the left wing uses for anything they don't understand or agree with, the 'car of the people' was designed by one of the most vile individuals to ever walk the face of the Earth.

Think about it folks; in addition to removing the Stars & Bars, many of the same people want to remove Thomas Jefferson from our history and reverence because he owned slaves. All the good things he did are wiped out by one aspect of his life, at least in the minds of the 'tolerant.' And if you support Jefferson, then in the twisted minds of some, you support slavery and hate black people.

In case you are a public school graduate and were not taught any real history, here's the story: sitting at a restaurant in Munich in 1932, Hitler designed the prototype for the immensely successful car that became the Volkswagen Beetle. At the time, only the rich could afford cars but Hitler believed that regular people should be able to buy an auto as well. Hmm, rich v. poor, sound familiar? In 1938, Hitler laid the cornerstone for the factory that would create the best selling car of all time. A favorite of not only Nazis but also surfers, moms, college kids, and so many more.

So, Hitler killed millions of people prior to and during WW II because of their religious beliefs, their ethnicity, or because they possessed or exhibited other 'unsavory characteristics', all to promote the Aryan ideal. Using the same loose logic that is used to brand anyone selling, displaying, or talking about the Stars & Bars, then anyone owning a VW is at best, a Nazi sympathizer and probably needs to be taken out and shot.

I think I'm going to have a bumper sticker made that says something like, "I love Hitler" and put it on the first VW Bug I see.