Category: Undeniably Right Undeniably Right
Published: 24 June 2016 24 June 2016

So a bunch of liberal Representatives got to relive some of their 1960's activism by staging a sit in on the floor of the House of Representatives. What a great gesture! They are with the people, fighting to save lives, your lives. Sheila Jackson Lee told a reporter that it was reminiscent of the civil rights movement and that she and others suffered greatly for the cause.

She complained about how uncomfortable and cold it was. Umm, I recall seeing that aides brought in electric blankets and hot meals for their 25 hour ordeal. I didn't see any police forces spraying them with fire hoses, releasing the dogs, or beating them with batons like the Democrat controlled police forces in the south used to do.

But all that aside, wasn't it a grand gesture to help save lives? All the petulant children wanted was a vote on their gun control amendments, ones that if passed would have saved the lives of those killed in Orlando, Santa Monica, Ft. Hood, etc. Isn't it ironic that the same people who once staged sit ins trying to ensure equal civil rights for all, are now staging sit ins trying to take away our civil rights?

One of those measures was a blanket ban on sales of firearms to any person currently on a terror watch list. No due process, no right of appeal, you just cannot buy a firearm period. Illegal aliens have more 'rights' to due process when we try to deport them than an American citizen would have under the Democrats' proposal.

Trey Gowdy correctly pointed out a couple of hypocritical positions of the Democrats and President Obama in particular. Just as with most of our laws, there are a lot of gun laws not being enforced right now. Under Obama's administration, there are fewer prosecutors assigned to prosecuting those on lists of people that are currently banned from owning or purchasing ammunition of firearms.

Under the Obama administration there have been fewer indictments and prosecution of cases involving illegal ownership, trafficking, or possession of firearms than under any other president in recent history. Given all the rhetoric coming from Glorious Leader and his minions wouldn't you think it would be just the opposite?

Not if you've been paying attention to the Democrats for a while. You see, they love a crisis because it gives them a chance to talk tough, stage sit ins, and pass laws; all while sending out fund raising letters saying they need more money to fight the system and protect you lemmings who can't protect yourselves.

Then when laws are passed, no one enforces them and they are on to the next big crisis. The proposals put out by the Democrats would not have saved any lives lost in these tragedies. If the Orlando shooter hadn't gotten guns legally, he would have gotten them illegally or he would have used other means to kill those he hated.

The Democrats were simply doing what they do best, grandstanding for money and power, playing the victims. Sadly, it's been too effective for too long.