Category: Undeniably Right Undeniably Right
Published: 29 July 2016 29 July 2016

France has been a big target for terrorists over the past couple of years. They have also been one of the leaders on the progressive side of the aisle in trying to reach out to Muslims and others, to let them know that the French are not a threat to them; that they love them and want to coexist with them. France has allowed open and free flow of 'immigrants' from the Middle East. They have allowed Muslims to establish Sharia law in certain neighborhoods, places where French police and government authorities are not allowed to go. When they have tried to go in and stop rioting or enforce French laws, on those rare occasions where they tried to show a backbone, the Muslims fought back and turned them away. And how has that worked out for them? Is that what you want for America? If you support Hillary and Obama, it's exactly what you want and what we will get if you are successful.

Let's look at the latest radical Islamist attack in which 2 Muslims brutally killed an 84 year old priest and another man. The attack took place in the church and the priest was beheaded. Simply because he was not Muslim and the 2 terrorists believed the interpretation of the Quran that says you must either kill or enslave all non-believers. Because of what many Americans believe, including Glorious Leader and Thick Ankles, it bears repeating: you may not think that Islam teaches its followers to kill or enslave all non-believers, but the terrorists believe that and that's what counts, or should.

Had the French government not been a bunch of namby pamby politically correct cheese eating surrender monkeys, this attack could have been avoided. And we don't even have to turn back the clock and control or stop immigration or enforce French laws from day one to prove that fact. In April, French authorities conducted a raid on an apartment inhabited by known terrorists. Among the things taken from the apartment was a list of locations being targeted by the terrorist cell. The Saint Etienne du Rovray Church in Normandy was on that list. But French authorities didn't warn anyone from the church or increase security in the area because they didn't want to cause a panic or foster any type of hatred or fear of Muslims.

It gets worse: the 19 year old terrorist of Algerian descent had been in the hands of French police just a few weeks earlier. He had been arrested twice in the last few months for attempting to join ISIS in Syria. In fact, he was out on bail and was told to wear an ankle monitor. He was allowed to go out during the morning hours but had to remain inside during afternoon and evening hours. This is a man that had repeatedly said he wanted to kill non-believers and generally spouted the hateful rhetoric used by ISIS. Yet, in order to be compassionate, French authorities had not put him in jail; after all he was just a misguided 19 year old who probably really didn't mean what he said.

Now 2 men are dead because the French can't learn from their mistakes. That's what Obama, Hillary, and many on the left want for America. Let the refugees in willy nilly without any screening whatsoever. And anytime a Muslim terrorist carries out a heinous act using Islam as his justification, the liberals are quick to tell us that it was not Islam that caused the terrorist attack. On a side note, the very same people who tell us not to blame Islam after a terrorist attack are the same ones who will blame all Christians and Christianity itself, when a couple refuses to bake a cake for a same sex marriage ceremony. That is what the liberal movement has come to...