Category: Undeniably Right Undeniably Right
Published: 30 September 2016 30 September 2016

The left says we need to have a national conversation about race relations in this country. Of course, they are not sincere. To them a conversation about anything means that they will tell you what they think and that you should agree with them or you are racist. Or if you are a minority and disagree with the prevailing liberal opinion, you are no longer a 'real minority'. You are acting 'white'.

The NAACP says that black men & women who become law enforcement officers are no longer black. Wait a minute: weren't they among the cacophony of voices calling for more blacks on police departments in places like Ferguson? The 'logic' behind that call was that black police officers would be more cognizant of the challenges black communities face and would be better able to relate to the citizens they are sworn to protect.

But now, as often happens with liberals, facts don't support their claims of targeting of blacks by white police officers and they've changed their tune to fit the circumstances. In the real world, that is known as a lack of principles; taking advantage of a crisis to further a political agenda; grabbing for political power...

On Tuesday the NAACP presented a list of demands to the Charlotte Police Department intended to ensure that black police officers never shoot another black man, never mind that video and other evidence shows that Keith Scott was holding a gun and not obeying officers' instructions when he was shot. Now remember the NAACP purports to represent all black people, but do they really? If so, how could they say this:

"Many black people who become police officers become blue, not black. In order for you to survive in a police department, you take on the police department's ideology, ways of life, and culture." Basically the NAACP representative is saying that all police departments are racist, that a black man gives up his heritage when he becomes a police officer, and that Officer Brently Vinson, the black officer who shot Scott, is at his core a white racist hell bent for leather on shooting black citizens. So you see, it doesn't matter about Scott's actions at the time of the confrontation, the narrative is solely that cops are racist, no matter what their ethnicity.

Let's ignore the fact that Vinson has a stellar record, with no complaints about brutality, racism, profiling, etc. He is the son of one of the first black police detectives for the Charlotte police department. Vinson was a star athlete in high school and college. He then chose to serve the public as a police officer. You would think he's the kind of young man the NAACP would be touting as a good example for other young black men. You would think that.

But to the liberal, Vinson has betrayed his race, is an Uncle Tom, and should not have pulled the trigger despite all the evidence that Scott posed a threat to Vinson, his fellow officers, and the general public - black, white, Hispanic and everyone included. So to claim they want to have a national conversation about race relations is just a ruse to convince the low information voter that they 'care' and really want things to improve, fostering understanding and cooperation. Their actions don't support their claims in any way, shape, or form.

No, liberals want you to agree with them, do what they tell you because they are right and you are wrong. Period. That's why so many of them become lecturers; not professors, lecturers.