Category: Undeniably Right Undeniably Right
Published: 23 December 2016 23 December 2016

I am not overly surprised at the hypocrisy and lack of principles that are continually exhibited by liberals. What does surprise me is that many so-called professionals who have to live up to professional standards in their chosen career field, fail to do so often. In the medical community there are very specific and strict standards for behavior by professionals especially, when it comes to discussing publicly a person's medical condition. But if liberals believe they are right and they are saving the world from a perceived evil, principles be damned.

Have you heard about the three psychiatry professors who have written to President Obama asking him to require Donald Trump to undergo a psychiatric evaluation by an "independent" psychiatrist or medical professional. Judith Herman, Nanette Gartrell MD, both of Harvard, and Dee Mosbacher MD, of the University of California San Francisco have written to Obama claiming to know that Donald Trump is mentally unstable. What is unbelievable about their letter is that they make a diagnosis of a mental disorder and they ask Obama to basically be King Obama and require Donald Trump to undergo a neuropsychiatric evaluation prior to becoming president.

It is interesting in their letter that these three medical professionals who have sworn an oath to adhere to a set of ethical standards say they cannot make a diagnosis of a public figure like Donald Trump without having personally examined the individual. Yet in the letter they say that President-elect Trump exhibits behaviors like grandiosity, hypersensitivity to criticism, impulsivity, and an inability to distinguish between fantasy and reality. In addition Dr. Lynne Meyer, a psychologist expands upon the comments in the letter by diagnosing Mr. Trump with narcissistic personality disorder.

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, the book used to codify diagnoses that are accepted by the medical community, narcissistic personality disorder can be diagnosed if an individual exhibits at least five of nine personality traits. The nine are listed below:
"1. Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
2. Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
3. Believes that he or she is GǣspecialGǥ and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with other special or high-status people (or institutions)
4. Requires excessive admiration
5. Has a sense of entitlement
6. Is interpersonally exploitative
7. Lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others
8. Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her.
9. Shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes.Gǥ

So if you look at these nine does Donald Trump Exhibit 5 of the 9? I wouldn't disagree that he has a large personality but has he exaggerated his achievements or talents? If he had, the media would've told us so over and over. He is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success power etc.? I don't think he's preoccupied with fantasies because he's achieved all of that. As to number three, during the campaign he connected with the average person, the average voter. Throughout his career he has spent time on job sites talking to the actual workers, who like him. Requires excessive admiration? Well he does have an ego.

Has a sense of entitlement? Based upon the way he outworked Hillary Clinton I would say he never thought he was entitled to the position especially if you compare it to her attitude towards the presidency. Does he exploit interpersonal relationships? To say exploiting means that he takes advantage of other people but the people who work for him are unbelievably loyal, so I'd say they don't feel exploited. He certainly doesn't lack empathy based upon the way he connected with the average person and could articulate what they were feeling. I would say there's no way he's envious of anybody else but maybe he believes others are envious of him and he would be correct. Is he arrogant? That's a tough one, maybe, but he's also confident and those two things are often mistaken for each other.

For these medical professionals to come up with a diagnosis is unbelievably arrogant and unprofessional. What if someone had asked for President Obama to undergo medical evaluation as these people are of Donald Trump? The media would have called into doubt their abilities and called for them to have their medical licenses revoked. But I would argue that President Obama exhibits more of these traits than President-elect Trump does.

And here's the kicker, to ask Obama to force President-elect Trump to undergo a neuropsychiatric evaluation grants him more authority than our laws do. President Obama is not King or Emperor although I can argue that he believes he is. Just look at how many times he has gone around Congress to accomplish what he wanted when Congress clearly told him no. He's even said that he will take whatever action he needed to take to accomplish his goals and ignore Congress. How is that not demonstrative or indicative of narcissistic personality disorder?

And it belies the attitude of the liberal that government is here to take care of everything. That government and by proxy the individuals in those high offices have all the authority to tell us or anybody else what to do (except other countries, of course). Can you imagine if Obama tried to execute these wishes? But it just goes to show you that when liberals lose, they cannot accept the results and they will do anything they can to denigrate the winner and usurp their authority, Even abandoning any principles they might've had.