Category: Undeniably Right Undeniably Right
Published: 24 February 2017 24 February 2017

I was in a local establishment earlier this week having an adult beverage. A chair away from me two people were having a conversation about the threatening stance that America has taken against countries and groups around the world since Donald Trump has become president. These gentlemen opined that we have taken a very threatening stance, with Pres. Trump saying that we will wipe out terrorist groups like ISIS and that we will not help countries that provide them with support; also that we have threatened Iran because they have, as a gentleman put it in quotation marks, violated Glorious Leader's agreement with them. The general tone of their conversation was that both men did not like the position that America is taking against our enemies, that being if someone threatens us, we will respond with appropriate force if necessary.

I would bet that if I followed these men out and looked at the vehicles they drove I would see at least one of them sporting a bumper sticker that said "war is not the answer." Doesn't that depend upon what the question is? I would bet that if I said what is the one thing that you never want America to enter into with another country to this person, their response or answer would be "war." So war is the answer if you ask the right question.

Back to the point that these gentlemen were making, that being that we cannot threaten military action against anyone because that never solves the problem. I really showed a tremendous amount of self-restraint not asking them about Nazi Germany or Japan. Clearly the use of military force solved the problem that was created by the aggression of those two countries. I would like to have also pointed out that just about every country we have defeated in a war is now our ally. Even though they started the war and we finished it we help to rebuild their country and their economy. We have provided military security for many of those countries since World War II. Certainly the threat of military action against them did not deter their aggressive behavior in Europe and the Pacific theater but when we actually followed through with the use of military force, their aggression stopped. It has deterred other countries from being overly aggressive.

Let's also not forget that we threatened Cuba and Russia with military action should Russia continue to put offensive nuclear missiles in Cuba. Because in the past we had followed through with our promised threat of using military force Russia backed off and a potential nuclear war was averted. Now of course I'm sure that these gentlemen would have been offended by my pointing out of history and probably would have some lame argument against my facts.

My other question for you liberals who believe that we are taking too much of an aggressive stance against terrorism and countries that want to do us harm is this: why does anyone take advantage of someone else? Whether that be an individual against an individual or a country against a country or anything in between. Certainly the aggressor believes that they have something to gain by intimidating the other person or country. But the real reason they choose to be aggressive towards that other entity is because they believe that entity to be inferior to them in some way. Whatever it is that person or country has that the aggressor wants, the aggressor believes they can get it by intimidation, by threats, or by action. You do not see a bully, whether it's a person or a country, picking on someone that they perceived to be their equal or their better.

I wonder why it is so hard for liberals to understand that? They use fear all the time to gain an advantage over their political opponents. They tell minorities of all types that conservatives want to enslave them or keep them in poverty or infringe upon their rights. Whenever they are speaking out about political topics more often than not they are talking about how bad a conservative plan would be for the "little guy." Rarely do they talk about their plans or their policies that would ostensibly help the average American. They use the ignorance of the average voter to their advantage. They also know that most conservatives will not speak up and call them on their BS. Because if the conservative stands up to a liberal they are called a bigot or a racist and even if it may be the furthest thing from the truth, once a person has been labeled a racist by the left they will always be considered a racist by some.

The simple fact is this, we must not only promise to use military force or other strong actions to defeat our enemies, which means stopping them from engaging in behavior that is detrimental or threatening to us, but we must be prepared to use it. Throughout history you can find a number of examples of an aggressor taking advantage of the weaker party and a strong response stopping aggression. It is one of the undeniable truths of life.