Category: Undeniably Right Undeniably Right
Published: 07 April 2017 07 April 2017

Take note world, America is back in charge. The bombing of the Syrian airbase lets not only Syria but the rest of the world know that America will not stand idly by while innocent civilians are attacked and our military personnel are in danger. Of course we are seeing many on the left denounce the cruise missile attack for a number of reasons. What you will not see in the mainstream media is the number of countries, especially dominantly Muslim countries, who strongly support Pres. Trump's actions. Now for a few observations.

President Trump did what any good president does, he consulted with his military advisers and listened to their recommendations. They chose to target a military base that would minimize any collateral damage to civilian popular populations. They targeted the base from which the most recent chemical attacks originated and took out military equipment. He also called Russia's President Putin to let him know that he should get his military personnel off the base. Yes, this probably warns some of the Syrian army personnel but obviously not all of them. Neither did he let the potential political fallout or damage to the US/Russian relationship deter him from taking decisive action.

Some on the left and in the media are criticizing Donald Trump for authorizing the attack to take place while he was having dinner with the president of China. It's not surprising that these buttercups would worry about the timing of the military action during a meal with a foreign dignitary. If the military advisers said this was the best time to carry out this attack, then that's when the attack should be carried out here regardless of what's going on in the president's social schedule.

Despite what Rand Paul says, the president has the authority to take this action without a declaration of authorization from the Congress. The president is authorized and has the obligation to take action when United States security concerns dictate that action be taken. This is not planned to be a prolonged campaign or involve the increased use of military personnel on the ground in Syria. This may or may not be a one-time cruise missile attack because there are six other airbases in Syria that could be used carry out chemical attacks on not only civilians but United States military personnel. We don't know and shouldn't know if Trump plans on hitting those bases as well. But be sure everyone is now on notice that the United States will back up the talk.

While I don't believe that sending a message to North Korea and China was a determinative factor in the president's decision-making process, there is no doubt that at best Korea and their Chinese benefactors got the message loud and clear. The same could be said for Iran and other terrorist supporting nations throughout the world. We have said it before and it is a truism proven throughout history, if you refuse to take action to stop bullies they will become more emboldened and more rash in their actions. Now their decision-making process has to change because they know that America is willing to stop them.

Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Yemen, Egypt, and so many other Muslim countries are supporting Trump's actions unequivocally. Media outlets such as Al Jazeera and the Arab News also editorialized their support for the action. In fact one editorial cartoon show the American Eagle being unchained from Obama's Middle East policy and chasing Islamic terrorists. It will be hard to find reporting like that in the American media, reflecting the true opinions of other countries and leaders in the world.

In fact early this morning I noticed that several media outlets said that President Trump's actions were in response to alleged or possible use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government. The middle eastern new sources have been documenting the chemical weapons attacks since at least 2014 with not just eyewitness accounts but actual video of Syrian army helicopters dropping chemical canisters on civilian populations. Why can't we get honest reporting like that in America?

The simple fact is, America is back leading the fight for freedom, human rights, and against tyranny. History tells us we need a strong decisive leader to send a clear message to those who would be aggressors against the weak. Now Trump's biggest obstacle is to resupply and adequately arm our military. Finally, this also makes a diplomatic solution more likely because those who have been on the sidelines fighting against us are now more likely to come to the table and talk about peace.