Category: Undeniably Right Undeniably Right
Published: 27 July 2018 27 July 2018

Along with Medicaid for all being offered by the Democratic Socialists, Sanders and Ocasio Cortez are now proposing a $15 an hour 'wage' for unemployed and disabled people. They would pay people based upon working the equivalent of a full time work week, I guess 36-40 hours a week. This is putting the mandatory minimum wage on steroids, not to mention unemployment benefits. How does a small business compete with that? We've already seen the negative consequences of a $15 minimum wage in places like Seattle, where restaurants closed or cut jobs and hours. Now in order to entice someone to leave a $15 an hour 'wage', an employer will have to offer more per hour, significantly more, or benefits that the unemployed don't have. This all costs a significant amount of money and is not sustainable for any business, especially a small business.

Men and women are different. Men can literally sit around and think about nothing. Absolutely nothing. Women are thinking about something all the time, maybe multiple things. What are we having for dinner; when did I clean the drapes last; how are Joe & Martha doing; we should have a dinner party. Guys are just sitting there with nothing on their minds. It's kind of like defragging the hard drive on your computer. We are compressing all that information into neat little packages and getting rid of the useless information we don't need – like your mother's birthday. It's freeing up space so that we can think about serious things, like where we parked the car.

If you heard the radio show a few weeks ago, I talked about California cities outlawing plastic straws. If you offer a plastic straw to someone, you can go to jail and/or be fined $1000 per straw. That's ridiculous enough in and of itself, but think about this: plastic straws are evil, yet they are still offering plastic syringes to drug addicts.

President Trump has said he is going to revoke the security clearances of former government employees. That has a lot of former government employees upset, especially those that hate Trump, like Clapper, Comey, Brennan, et al. My question is this: Why isn't that a normal procedure? When you're done working for the government or in a position for which you were granted a security clearance, why do you still need that clearance? It should be cancelled immediately.

Turns out John Brennan visited Moscow in March 2016, right about the same time the 'Trump Dossier' was created for the Clinton campaign. According to Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Oleg Syromolotov, Brennan met with the members of the Federal Security Service (aka the KGB). Some believe the FSS worked with other players to help create the dossier. If this had been a member of the Trump campaign, you'd be told this was definitive proof of collusion. But since it's an anti-Trumper, there's nothing to see here.

If each day is a gift, can someone let me know where I can return Mondays and exchange them for more Saturdays?

When Rod Rosenstein announced the indictments of 12 Russians, he said that there was not any evidence that one vote had been altered or changed in any way shape or form. So what did the Russians allegedly do? Make the DNC/Hillary campaign's rigging of the primary against Bernie public? Surprised those 12 Russians haven't committed suicide yet.

Chicago Mayoral candidate, Willie Wilson, visited a local church recently and handed out $200,000 in cash to potential voters. He gave each family several hundred dollars to "help with paying property tax bills". How is that legal? Even for Chicago/Illinois Democrats, that's pretty brazen. The Illinois State Board of Elections said the businessman did not break any campaign laws since the money came from his charitable foundation and not his campaign accounts. And yes, people's votes can be bought for a few hundred dollars.

The Army is concerned about the high divorce rate among soldiers. They are implementing a plan to reduce the number of divorces that is short, sweet, and to the point. The simple message to soldiers, "don't marry strippers." I'm not making this up. And that's probably good advice.