Category: Undeniably Right Undeniably Right
Published: 09 November 2018 09 November 2018

Yes, the election results revealed the ignorance of the general public, at least those that voted to have their taxes increased and other freedoms restricted by electing Democrat Socialists. It also revealed what many on the left side of the aisle are thinking as well.

Joy Behar of The View said the reason Democrats did not gain control of the Senate is because of the gerrymandering that Republicans did in the various states to ensure a victory. That brought a resounding cheer from her audience and her fellow ignoramuses. Sorry Ms. Behar, senators are elected in a statewide vote while representatives are subject to defined districts. As far as I know, state boundaries have not changed recently.

Media Matters then put out the talking point that Democrat senatorial candidates received 8-9 million more votes, when tabulated across the nation than did Republican candidates. To them that means the voice of the people is being ignored and the Democrats should also control the Senate because of the popular vote. Again, more ignorance being exposed or exploited depending upon who is regurgitating that crap.

One of the greatest things our Founding Fathers did was the bicameral legislative body. More populous states got more representation in the House while everyone was equally represented in the Senate. That gave less populous states a powerful voice that protected their rights equally when compared to more populous states. The rule of law prevailed for a reason.

Unfortunately these FACTS are not taught in our schools anymore. No one really thinks about what would happen if we did away with the electoral college or equal representation in the Senate. Rights would be trampled especially for states like New Mexico, Montana, North Dakota, et al. We'd be subjects of California, New York, New Jersey. Not good.

You know what is taught in our schools these days? Nothing but obedience. It is the rare school, whether in high school or college, that teaches both sides of any subject; that teaches history as it really happened, rather than focusing on all the negatives of our history, perceived or real.

Especially in colleges and universities, you dare not speak of anything exceptional about America or Christianity or conservative. You will be ridiculed, degraded, expelled for not going along with the indoctrination. That's why we have people continuing to vote for the same old broken policies and politicians that haven't made anything better for us, the average American citizen. With the obvious exception of Donald Trump; and that's why the left is so mad, because some of us thought for ourselves and didn't obey the ruling class.