Category: Editorials Editorials
Published: 03 July 2014 03 July 2014

"It will not be doubted that with reference either to individual or national welfare, agriculture is of primary importance." – President George Washington

The Fourth of July, a day to celebrate the birth of our nation. A day of reflection upon our independence and national pride.

Agriculture has played and continues to play a vital role in what makes the United States of America the greatest country in the world. When one thinks of independence, there is no greater group that continues to provide the sustenance of nutrition to our people than American farmers and ranchers. Societies that can feed themselves are societies that can thrive.

New Mexico agriculture producers are part of a select group of individuals across our great nation who provide the wide variety of food that we will enjoy on our July Fourth celebration. They do that today under the considerable stress of drought, the high cost of inputs like livestock feed and fertilizer, competitive world markets, and government policy changes that can impact the long-term viability of production agriculture.

New Mexico farmers and ranchers are some of the most independent, dedicated, and resilient producers in the USA. They face all challenges and continue to produce the food products we all enjoy during our holiday celebration.

As we celebrate the birth of our nation, let's also celebrate one facet of our society that provides the most reliable, safest, and affordable food supply in the world. Thank you, New Mexico farmers and ranchers. Happy Birthday, America.

Jeff M. Witte
New Mexico Department of Agriculture