Category: Editorials Editorials
Published: 12 March 2015 12 March 2015

Some comments on the news release, "Making College More Affordable Would Payoff for the State," posted on the Beat

Western is the one college in the state that has become more and more unaffordable. You would expect that the most expensive comprehensive college in the state, Western, would be, by far, the best comprehensible college in the state but its not. Southwest New Mexico is being deprived of educational opportunities by the extremely high cost of tuition and fees at Western.

Even the Lottery Scholarship program costs Western students twice as much as at any other state institution. The programs at Western are about the same as they were 4 years ago. The big question that needs to be answered by President Shepard and the Board of Regents is "WHY DOES WESTERN COST SO MUCH?"

Alfred Milligan