Category: Editorials Editorials
Published: 22 July 2015 22 July 2015

Editor's Note: At the request of several of those who heard Nada Dates, a retired missionary, speak and from those who did not have the chance to hear her, I am posting this as an editorial. If you are not a Christian and do not agree with Christianity, it would be best for you not to read it (unless you want to learn about Christianity).

By Nada Dates

People of all cultures worship something. Romans 1:19-21 explains we were created with an innate knowledge of God. He is seen in the wonder of creation we see all around us. A God-shaped vacuum is inside of us. History and our world travels confirm this €”Animism, Pantheism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Chrisianity, Islam, which one should we choose?

The most reasonable answer is Christianity because:
1.It most comprehensively answers the 4 Worldview questions of Origin, Meaning, Morality, Destiny.

Origin: Genesis 1-3 Eternal God who exists outside the universe created the World.

Meaning: Every person is special and has a unique purpose. Relationship with God answers Who I am and why I exist

Morality: Evil and Good. Evil is in every person. We are created with power to choose to do evil. Only God Is good. We choose to do good sometimes but we cannot change our nature. God is Just. Evil must be punished. God came to us. Jesus took our evil upon Himself and offers forgiveness and transformation. God is Just. God is Good. God is Love.

Final Destiny: After we die, its Heaven for Eternity €”a place beyond what we could ever imagine €”joy, fulfillment, health, fellowship, Worship of the God who loves us totally.

2. Only in Christianity did God come down to man. In all other religions, man seeks god.

3. Only Christianity offers forgiveness. In all other religions you pay for your bad. Hinduists pay with Reincarnation Buddhists by meditating until rid of desire. Muslims pay by striving to obey the laws and rituals of Islam. Animists pay with animal sacrifices. And there is no guarantee.

4.The uniqueness of the Bible €”60 writers over 2000 years in different locations are in unity €”Stories record people €™s bad deeds, also €”Hundreds of prophecies in the Old Testament were fulfilled, i.e. Isaiah 53: the sufferings of Christ written in 800 BC €”it's the most tested and maligned book in history but has not been proved in error (Voltaire said he would destroy all Bibles but his residence now houses a Bible Publishing Company) €”it €™s the book with the most ancient documents (5500 Greek, 10,000 Latin, 8000 Coptic, 36,000 quotes from other historical sources that prove it was translated accurately in today €™s languages €”Archaeological digs always prove its places and events. Ancient documents of Old Testament books have been found (Dead Sea Scrolls) From Genesis to Revelation it tells the story of God €™s love for mankind from Creation to the End of the world to Eternity beyond.

5. The uniqueness of Christianity €™s Christ
He is God. He was Crucified. He Resurrected. He was born of a virgin in Bethlehem, worked as a lowly carpenter until beginning his 3-year ministry. He was sinless. He performed miracles, like raising the dead, made cripples walk, blind eyes see, etc. Then he was betrayed, cruelly crucified by Romans, but rose from the dead and was seen of over 500 followers. He offers forgiveness and heaven to those who repent of their sins and receive Him as Saviour and Lord John l:12, Rom 10:9,10

6.The Good news of the Christian Gospel is this: We €™ve separated ourselves from a Holy God by our sins, and we cannot get back. God loves us, and was willing to take our sins on Himself. He came as a baby, humble carpenter, was betrayed, died on a cross, rose from the grave, and offers forgiveness and a relationship with God forever.

Christianity Is an Invitation to Know God