Category: Editorials Editorials
Published: 30 November 2015 30 November 2015

Rick Lass was greatly offended by my 11/29/15 article, €œMemo to Clueless Republicans: Start Quoting the Koran. € Let me share with you the email he sent me:

Pete the Ass, just read your evil diatribe in the Beat. Talk about clueless. "...wiping Islam from the face of the earth" Seriously? You do know, of course, that one could just as easily have written that nonsense using quotes from the Torah and Bible. Will your next piece be about wiping Judaism and Christianity from the face of the earth? Doubtful, since it would not fit in with your pathetic political agenda. In the future, I hope you will keep your bigotry and xenophobia to yourself- it would be unAmerican to do otherwise.

Rick Lass

Once you get past the devastatingly witty, €œPete the Ass, € Lass claims that I €œcould have just as easily written that nonsense using quotes from the Torah and Bible. € Really? Then I challenge Lass to do just that, quote for quote. My first quote was from The Verse of The Sword, 9:5: €œ---fight and slay the pagans wherever you find them ---. € Please find something comparable in the New Testament.

Lass also accuses me of suffering from xenophobia when in fact I am blessed with Islamophobia, a word I don't like but one I €˜ll plead guilty to until a better one comes along. You see, people with €œphobias € suffer irrational fears. People with Islamophobia are not irrational. They have drawn the correct conclusions about Islam after seeing countless hideous acts committed by Muslims shouting €œAllahu Akbar. €

And, no, Mr. Lass, I'll not keep my opinions to myself. Somebody has to counter the Islamophiles. With your personal, childish attack on me, you are implicitly defending Islam. WHY?

Fifty years ago, if asked, I would have said Communism must be wiped from the face of the earth. That has pretty much come to pass, and relatively peacefully. Today, the biggest threat to humanity is Islam, and that, too, must be wiped from the face of the earth.

That will take many generations. First, start with the Mosques in America. Allow none to function that preach jihad. On top of that, start teaching what Islam really is in our schools. That should take care of the €œpolitical correctness € that shields Islam today. It's a start.

Peter Burrows