Category: Editorials Editorials
Published: 02 April 2024 02 April 2024

Parents, students have opportunity to help choose high school graduation requirements
By Mandi Torrez

With the governor’s signing of a new law updating the state’s high school curriculum, New Mexico families now have a prime opportunity to shape your local high school course requirements in a way that will reflect your community’s values while ensuring that your graduates are college and career ready.  

While high school students still must complete 24 credits to graduate, two of those credits will now be determined locally in each district.

Think New Mexico, a nonpartisan, results-oriented think tank, has researched courses that would be engaging and provide students with relevant, lifelong skills, as we detailed in our report, “A Roadmap for Rethinking Public Education in New Mexico.” We encourage parents and students to reach out to your school board members and urge them to select two local course requirements that will provide a well-rounded school experience. We hope that you might advocate for some of the following options:

We encourage readers to reach out to us at if you would like more information about how you can help shape your school district’s local graduation requirements.

Mandi Torrez is the Education Reform Director for Think New Mexico and the 2020 New Mexico Teacher of the Year.