Category: Politics: Enter at your own risk Politics: Enter at your own risk
Published: 26 May 2016 26 May 2016

Albuquerque, NM - Yesterday Hillary Clinton came under fire again for her use of a private email server while Secretary of State, this time by the State Department Inspector General, who claimed that she "failed to follow the rules."

"This is just further evidence that Hillary Clinton is unfit for office," said Republican Party of New Mexico Spokesman Tucker Keene. "If it wasn't clear from the decades of stories about Hillary Clinton's shady tactics and outright corruption, the stories about her email server and now the confirmation from the State Department that she broke the rules show voters that she lacks the moral qualifications for president."

Clinton also neglected to turn over all emails to the State Department, and investigators had to track down many more on their own from other sources. Clinton's private server, which had never been cleared by the State Department or checked for security, had been hacked into multiple times, showing that Clinton put her own personal convenience above the national security concerns of our country.

"In a world in which we face cyber threats every day from hackers looking to harm our country's national security interests, we cannot elect a president who treats these concerns so casually," said Keene. "We need someone who understands the importance of national security and doesn't jeopardize classified information simply to make life more convenient for her."