Category: Politics: Enter at your own risk Politics: Enter at your own risk
Published: 27 July 2016 27 July 2016

Albuquerque, NM - Last night, former Democrat President Bill Clinton took the stage at the Democratic National Convention to give a speech to a Democrat Party that would be unrecognizable to the party Clinton led in the 1990s.

In his tenure as president, President Clinton worked with Congressional Republicans to balance the budget, reform welfare and the criminal justice system. Today, Hillary Clinton and the Democrats do not stand by a single one of the bipartisan bills passed in the 90's. Monday's convention speakers repeatedly praised the most radically far-left party platform they've ever passed, denouncing everything the Party once stood for. Hillary Clinton had to repeatedly disavow everything her husband stood for to appease the socialist Warren-Sanders wing of her party.

"The Democrat Party has shifted so far to the left that it can no longer claim to represent the values Americans hold dear," said Republican Party of New Mexico spokesman Tucker Keene. "The platform passed Monday proves that the Warren-Sanders wing of the party has taken over. Hillary Clinton and the Democrats are not interested in addressing the issues facing our country today, and are now dedicated to the radical transformation of America."