Category: Politics: Enter at your own risk Politics: Enter at your own risk
Published: 25 October 2016 25 October 2016

Maestas filed a public records request for information about the mill levy on the ballot in November and how the funds raised from the levy would be allocated.

The levy ostensibly supports the "operation and maintenance" of the Gila Regional Medical Center, and would significantly increase property tax rates for the residents of Grant County. Senator Howie Morales and Holley Hudgins, wife of House Candidate Rudy Martinez, both hold positions with the GRMC from which they earn large salaries. The voters deserve more transparency about what specifically the levy will fund, and whether it will benefit Sen. Howie Morales or Rudy Martinez.

"We submitted this IPRA to reveal not only how the funds from the mill levy will be allocated and whether they will fund the salaries of Hudgins or Sen. Morales, but also what precisely their responsibilities are at GRMC," said Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Debbie Maestas. "There is a vital need for transparency at the GRMC, and this IPRA will help bring light to the situation. We encourage prompt compliance with the request so that the voters are fully informed about the levy before Election Day."