Category: Front Page News Front Page News
Published: 16 February 2015 16 February 2015

Photos and Article by Dale Marcy

The Gila Artisans Gallery recently hosted an opening reception for local artist Becky Kerr. A regional artist, Becky recreates the animals, landscapes and florals that she finds in her environment. She works with pen and ink, colored pencils and acrylics. Explaining her work, Becky shared that her style of rendering is realistic, when working in pencil or pen. However, when she works in watercolor, her style changes following the nature of the media, and becomes loose and flowing, allowing a more emotional style of expression.


According to Becky, "The secret of creating a work of art lies not in the media, the style, nor the skill with which the artist uses their tools to manipulate, blend and move the media around on the paper or canvas. The real secret lies in really seeing what we look at in haste. To stop. To really look at the subject. Look until the object is no longer made up of harsh lines, but blends into forms and shapes and shadows that are ever changing. To feel the emotions that those shapes and shadows evoke. To move with the flow of these emotions in the ever changing moments of time. To simply endeavor to capture just one of those moments. Then share that moment with those who care to stop for a time to look, see, feel the emotions and share in the appreciation of the beauty that is found there."

Guests at the reception enjoyed the variety of Becky's work. Of particular interest, was a life-like framed print of her painting of two big horned sheep. "Ramona Schreiber of Gila expressed her feelings that "the print was beautifully rendered. The sheep are exquisite in detail - the power in those horns and the intensity in their eyes creates a magnificent presence in the work."
Becky shared her own thoughts regarding her work with guests, "there is something compelling about taking a blank sheet of paper or a canvas and laying down shapes, lines or images, using tools of your craft: pencils, pens or brushes and the medium you prefer to create something totally unique expressing your abilities and frame of reference."

Becky is an experienced visual information specialist, production artist, illustrator, print page designer, advertising designer, and commercial photographer. She currently resides in Silver City.

The collection will remain on display at the Gallery from February 14 thru February 28. Gila Artisans Gallery hours are 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday, Saturday and Sunday located on US 180 in Cliff. Her work can also be viewed at the Copper Quail Gallery in Silver City.