Category: Front Page News Front Page News
Published: 08 September 2015 08 September 2015

By Roger Lanse

At its Tuesday, Sept. 8, Silver City town council meeting, District 3 Councilor Jose Ray Jr. stated, €œI want to pursue, if possible, with the town council behind it, mayor and staff, about the territorial charter that we once had here. This charter was in effect and it legalized gambling and legalized ladies of the night. I would like to see it bring (sic) back to see how far we can go with this. Due to the mining planning to shut down or lay off people, I think it would be a good opportunity to look into it. We could probably create some jobs. More people employed by the city, and numerous things. I would like to know why, or who, or when, it was taken out. I know that I €˜m going to step on some people €™s toes. I know that some people aren €™t going to like it. But, I think that sometimes we have to think outside the box. We can €™t always count on the mining. They €™re like a yo-yo. €

Ray also suggested that the police department have two officers in each patrol unit due to the many assaults against police officers throughout the nation.

Mayor Michael Morones proclaimed Sept. 26, as Walk for the Heroes Appreciation Day, a local event to honor Gold star mothers and the losses suffered by the nation on Sept. 11, 2001. Raul Turrieta and Armando Amador accepted the proclamation. The 13.3 mile walk will begin at the Stevens Store in Hurley and end at the Bataan Park at Fort Bayard, according to Morones.

Morones also proclaimed Sept. 26 as Day of Service, a day to recognize unemployment and homelessness in Grant County; a day to volunteer to help others become self-reliant; and encourage interfaith action to improve the lives of those struggling in the local economy.Gary Stailey accepted the declaration, saying, “There are a number of projects that we hope we can accomplish on that date.”

Grant County Assessor Raul Turrieta told the council that his office is about half done with the re-evaluation of the downtown area and will probably be done by the end of September.