Category: Front Page News Front Page News
Published: 14 September 2016 14 September 2016

By Roger Lanse

Grant County Assessor Raul Turrieta told council that "today the county commission passed our certificate of tax rates and everything pretty much stayed the same." He stated that a four-mill levy increase is being proposed and that the additional property tax money would go to GRMC.

"A resolution was passed in August where it is going to be placed on the ballot this Nov. 8, for a 4-mill increase for the hospital," Turrieta said. "I would like to express that the Grant County rates that are imposed - we're all maxed out on the nonresidential side and our residential side. And, that's one of the reasons the hospital is going to do the 4-mill increase under that Chapter 4.


"On a $50,000 home your taxable value is $16,000 and your taxes would be increased $65 per year. On an $80,000 home, taxable value is $25,000, and taxes would increase $106.56 per year. On a $100,000 home itG