Category: Front Page News Front Page News
Published: 07 November 2016 07 November 2016

By Mary Alice Murphy

A special meeting held by the Grant County Commission on Nov. 7, 2016, addressed only one issue'a resolution titled Allocation of Funding for the Tu Casa Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Center Construction CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) Project.

Grant County Planning and Development Director Michael "Mischa" Larisch explained the resolution is required by CDBG to show specifically what funding the County Commission is allocating to the project.

The resolution states that the grantee, Grant County, allocates $2 million from the Grant County gross receipts tax and the hold harmless GRT for construction of the Tu Casa Project. The grantee also allocates $50,000 from the county's grant match monies for the required cash match.

Commission Chairman Brett Kasten and Commissioner Ron Hall, forming a quorum of the Commission, moved, seconded and approved the allocations.