Category: Front Page News Front Page News
Published: 21 December 2016 21 December 2016

By Margaret Hopper

Candidates for area school boards filed their applications, and where two were running for the same position, drew for positions on the ballot. Both Cobre and Silver had openings for three positions. Silver, additionally, is asking voters to approve a bond issue, to roll over an expiring bond of the past. It is commonly known that state funding of schools by student numbers leaves no funding for building maintenance; things like repairs, windows and heating systems must come from other sources, and they mostly depend on bonds for that funding.

In the Cobre District, Frank Gomez, incumbent in Position 1, filed to run again, unopposed. Robert Montoya, who is not running again for Position 2, sees Eloy Medina and Gilbert Guadiana running for that spot. Frances Kelly, Position 3, is also retiring, and Gabriel Holguin, Arenas Valley, has filed for that position unopposed. Gomez, Medina and Guadiana are from Bayard.

In Silver District, Positions 1, 2 and 4, all the candidates are from Silver City addresses. Patrick Cohn, Jr., is the lone applicant in Position 1. Ashley Montenegro, Position 2, also has no competition. The contested Position 4 is between Justin Wecks and Daniel Arrey.

The candidates had a single day to file, Tuesday, December 20, between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. In the event that someone wants to become a write-in for any of these positions, the day for that is Tuesday, January 3, also between 9 and 5.