Category: Front Page News Front Page News
Published: 03 May 2017 03 May 2017

Update on Kerr Fire, May 3, 2017

GÇó Reserve Ranger District on the Gila National Forest
GÇó John Kerr Peak, 17 miles northeast of Reserve
GÇó Catron County, New Mexico

Start Date: May 1, 2017

Size: 110 acres

Cause: Lightning

Vegetation: Ponderosa Pine, Gamble Oak, Pinon/Juniper

Smoke: Smoke may be visible within the surrounding area of Apache Creek, Cruzville, Aragon, and Reserve, NM

Resources: 3 engines, Gila Hotshots Incident

Commander: Joe Aragon, IC-4

Summary: The Kerr Fire is burning on National Forest lands. Values at risk include Continental Divide trail which is located east of the fire, range improvement infrastructure and Mexican Spotted Owl habitat. CDT hikers in the area are advised to check in with the Reserve Ranger District office at 575.533.6232 for alternate routes in order to avoid fire activity. Maps of alternative routes are available at the district office and on the Gila NF website.

Resources continued firing operations yesterday evening along FR 289. Firing operations were completed to the junction of FR 289 and 4037N at the head of North Squirrel Canyon. Then, from the junction of FR 289 and 289A fire operations were conducted south approximately .5 miles toward the junction of FR 289 and 47. The plan for today is to continue firing operations north of FR 4037N along FR 289 to FR 289B. This operation will provide a buffer to mitigate from impacting FR 289 and to keep fire activity east of the road. On the southern flank, resources will monitor fire spread and if needed, continue firing operations south along FR 289. Ahead of the fire activity, resources will be prepping fence lines for protection from fire impacts.

For information on the Gila National Forest, check out our website at