Category: Front Page News Front Page News
Published: 10 June 2017 10 June 2017

Photos and article by Mary Alice Murphy

At the open house and ribbon cutting for the Grant County Veterans Memorial Business and Conference Center, the American Legion Post 18 Color Guard posted the colors. The audience recited the Pledge of Allegiance and then, led by a volunteer group, joined in The Star-Spangled Banner.


Scott Terry, Silver City-Grant County Chamber of Commerce director and president, moderated the event. He and employees manage the facility.

He introduced Grant County Commission Chairman Brett Kasten.

"It's the prettiest when we sing the national anthem as Americans," Kasten said. "This building has been a long time in coming. It was a Walmart and then a call center. The county acquired it. Two-and-a-half years ago when we started the construction, it was just two big rooms and a few smaller rooms that couldn't be used when the largest room was being used. We carved it up, so every room can be used at the same time. We hope you use it. I hope you're as proud of this building as I am."

Terry next introduced New Mexico Rep. Rodolpho "Rudy" Martinez. "I want to thank every veteran who is here. This is for Grant County veterans and New Mexico veterans."

"When the thought came up to build this as a conference center, we could appropriate $25 million to it," Martinez said. "The county bought this building. It was a huge investment. Now we have an awesome building that every resident of Grant County can use. A lot of thanks goes to the architect, Kevin Robinson and to the County Commission for having the foresight to what this could be. Be proud of this place and thank you for being here."

Terry sad the building has 25,000 square feet of spaces that can be rented out at the same time. "You'll find they did a great job of the main ballroom and the small ballroom. We have five classrooms with drop-down screens, wi-fi throughout the building, this lobby that can be rented and a kitchen that still needs a little work. We are looking at audio-visual for the ballroom."

He also recognized Commissioner Billy Billings, Grant County Manager Charlene Webb and Silver City Town Councilor Lupe Cano as being in attendance.

Terry invited veterans and dignitaries for the ribbon-cutting event. Cano and Martinez held the ribbon, while Kasten cut it.

Terry invited those in attendance to visit the rooms, as all doors were open, with the prices for renting each space posted next to the door to the room.