Category: Front Page News Front Page News
Published: 10 August 2017 10 August 2017

By Hallie Richwine

The Village of Santa Clara Regular Meeting was held Thursday, August 10, 2017 in the Village Hall. All Trustees were not in attendance however there was a quorum and the meeting proceeded as planned.

Trustee Albert Esparza presented the Safety Committee Report. The Safety Committee met August 9, 2017 and discussed all incidents from last year and the current safety hot topics of cell phone use while driving, workplace violence, and future utilization of flashing lights at barricades. Safety training has been scheduled for the month of August and begins next week.

The Action Committee Report was presented by Olga Amador and included plans for the upcoming Village of Santa Clara Labor Day Fiesta, scheduled for September 2, 2017 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. The event has twelve sponsors and will have a Huachas & Horseshoes tournament, a performance by The Evolution Band, and a car show featuring two local clubs as well as personal entries. There will also be a raffle that will benefit the Neighborhood Watch and the Santa Clara Action Committee.

The Cemetery Report from Richard Esparza indicated the upkeep of the grounds has been difficult during the rainy season.

Chairman Robert Padilla of the Neighborhood Watch reported that the police department was well represented at the last meeting and that, “A lot of people, believe it or not, had no knowledge who the Chief of Police was,” so it was informative and productive. The next meeting will be August 23, 2017, at 7:00 pm, and they will be designating block captains.

Mayor Richard Bauch reported that the mural project was beautiful and the new project will be street re-naming. Workshops will be held regarding the zones in question and the reason behind the renaming project is because many roads are broken up, un-named, and/or not currently correct in the 911 response system.

Trustees voted and accepted the change to the boundary line between two lots owned by a resident in order for said property to be gifted among the family.

Addressing old business the Trustees were able to unanimously amend the Project Participation Agreement with St. Clair’s Organics as well as the Intergovernmental Agreement with the State of New Mexico Economic Development department, both having no real changes other than referring to an Ordinance number that had changed.

Remaining old business was tabled due to the absence of legal counsel for review.

Resolution 2018-4, the Open Meetings Act, was reviewed and accepted once again. Regular Meetings will continue to be held on the 2nd Thursday at 3:00 pm and the 4th Thursday at 6:00 pm.

Resolution 2018-5, the Resolution of the Village of Santa Clara and the Southwest New Mexico Council of Governments, also carried unanimously. This means Santa Clara will continue to partner with Hurley, Bayard, Silver City, and Grant County as a whole and pay the dues required.

The previous Intent to Adopt an Ordinance Approving the St. Clair’s Organics Proposal for an Economic Development Project was adopted officially.

During the Public Comments resident Mike Dowell stated he was present at last month’s meeting wherein he requested a speed bump on Encino Street and would like an update. Bauch responded, informing Dowell of the approval of the project. Posts have been ordered for additional stop signs to be placed on Encino Street and asphalt has been ordered to place the speed bump itself. Bauch said the Police Chief will be determining where the best placement of the speed bump will be but also asked Dowell for his input.

There were no further issues or business at that time and Bauch announced the next Regular Meeting of the Village of Santa Clara for Thursday, August 24, 2017 at 6:00 pm at the Village of Santa Clara Village Hall located at 105 N. Bayard Street.