Category: Front Page News Front Page News
Published: 30 August 2012 30 August 2012

By Margaret Hopper

Cobre board president Frank Cordova called the August 28 meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. He said the closed session began at 6:02 and not all members were present. Toy Sepulveda came late and Frances Kelly was totally absent due to family needs at this time. Cordova said they had discussed student identifiable issues, limited personnel, hiring and resignation topics.

Under Administrative items, Interim Superintendent George Peru requested that the board approve a request of facilities from Artie Sanchez for Senate Series Fall League activity. This included the Rominger Field and others for baseball training, including some time at Bataan Park for games. The board approved the request.

The Grant County Sheriff’s Department had asked the use of a bus to help with training purposes. Peru said the district had a bus that was over 20 years old, which could no longer be used to transport students, so the board could honor that request and not interfere with any of the buses needed for regular use.

The Cobre High School Handbook needed an addition of certain cell phone and other communications technology usage to cover present needs in the district’s effort to reduce bullying and other potential abuses. At Peru’s request, this addendum was approved.

Peru mentioned that an open house had been held for Joyce Barela, who has returned to Bayard Elementary as principal this year. As Barela has been associated with Cobre School District before, she was remembered and well received.

The financial review of bills was tabled for the first meeting in September as Cordova said that information was not in the packet. It was an action item but it could not be presented at this time.

Cordova said teachers were now being trained in the Sonday Program, which was designed for dyslexic children, but it appeared that it would also help the district’s non-readers and it appeared that of the programs available, this one fit Cobre best. Vickie Chavez was doing the training. She was associated with EPSS, Educational Publishers for Student Success.

In the Public Input portion, Margaret Hopper asked about Joan’s Street work; the bidders, the accepted bid and the progress at this point. Peru said that bid process had been let months ago, but it was just now receiving attention, and a number of changes had been made, including gable gates, concrete use and more. Runyan had the bid, and it was at about $15,000. He would check back on the information for Hopper.

Title IX is still proving difficult to resolve in Cobre. The district has retained an Albuquerque lawyer named Sanchez of the Cuddy Law Firm, who is working with coaches and students to make this work, according to Peru.

Sepulveda said he had reservations about the wording on the District’s Rules for PE. He thought the statement on item three that the person nearest a student needing help should attend to that person just might not work at grade level 1. A child that young might not know to inform an adult. The rules might need some review.

At the next meeting, the bills should be reviewed and a new student representative for the year should be introduced to the board. The meeting adjourned at 7:28.