Category: Non-Local News Releases Non-Local News Releases
Published: 20 August 2014 20 August 2014

Toas County, NM - On Saturday, August 23, 2014 the New Mexico Environment Department and the New Mexico Department of Health be participating in the Angel Fire Wellness Fair and will be hosting a Domestic Well Water Testing Event. The event will be held at Moreno Valley High School, 56 Camino Grande from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.

Citizens with domestic wells are encouraged to bring in a 1-gallon fresh water sample from your well (find a faucet that is not connected to a treatment system such as reverse osmosis, water softener, or carbon filter) in a clean glass or plastic container and get it tested.

How to Collect the Water Sample:

Samples may be dropped off and results will be mailed to you. If available, provide well depth, depth to water, well casing material (i.e., steel, pvc) and distance from well to the nearest septic tank/leachfield system.

Drinking water will be tested on site for the following parameters: pH, Specific Conductance, Fluoride, Iron, Sulfate, Arsenic, Nitrate and Manganese.

For further information contact: 505-222-9574.