Category: Non-Local News Releases Non-Local News Releases
Published: 24 December 2014 24 December 2014

NM Families can go to to explore health insurance options through February 15

Albuquerque, NM - As New Mexico families gather during the holiday season, BeWellNM New Mexico's health insurance Exchange, encourages families to take some time to discuss one of the best ways they can take care of each other in the New Year - health insurance. With open enrollment soon coming to a close on February 15, 2015, families that are looking to get health insurance for the first time or those considering a change in their coverage can shop now. BeWellNM is the only place New Mexicans can go to get a tax credit that will help lower monthly insurance costs.


Important Deadline: Individuals and families that sign up before January 15, 2015, and make their first payment, will begin receiving coverage starting February 1.

Ways to Enroll:

Online: Go to  to anonymously browse the plans from five health insurance companies, fill out an application,signed up and make a payment.

One-on-One: Enrollment counselors are available to help, whether you're calling in, online or in-person at multiple locations throughout the state. For more in-depth questions while comparing plans agents and broker can provide additional information and help to make a selection that fits most budgets and needs. Agents, brokers and Enrollment Counselors across the state can be found through our website at or by calling the customer contact center at 1-855-99-NMHIX.

Be Prepared: Individuals and families are recommended to pencil out a budget before making a health insurance selection, and make sure to understand how copays, coinsurance and deductibles work for the plans being considered. Consult the BeWellNM website, , for what paperwork is needed, such as W-2's, for qualification for possible financial assistance.

Having health care insurance heading into the New Year is a great way that New Mexicans can take care of their families. . A family can receive quality health care, maintain good health and be protected in case of unforeseen medical needs. (Without health insurance, a broken leg could cost $2,500 -- $35,000 if surgery is involved; going to the emergency room for a mere sore throat could cost $400). Having health insurance enables families to better plan for health care expenditures.

About New Mexico Health Insurance Exchange
New Mexico Health Insurance Exchange (NMHIX) was created to help individuals and small businesses get access to affordable health insurance plans. NMHIX helps consumers compare health insurance plans and choose the plan that works best for their health needs and budget. NMHIX also helps individuals determine whether they are eligible for premium assistance and if so, at what level. Through SHOP, small businesses are able to purchase competitively priced health insurance plans and offer their employees the ability to choose from an array of plans. Health Care Guides and insurance brokers/agents are available throughout the state to help with signing up for NMHIX coverage.

For more information on New Mexico Health Insurance Exchange, please visit  or , call 1-855-99NMHIX (1-855-996-6449) or text BeWellNM to 311411.