Category: Non-Local News Releases Non-Local News Releases
Published: 12 January 2016 12 January 2016

It is Time for an Effective, Efficient, and Accountable Government

Washington, DC (January 12, 2016) - Congressman Steve Pearce (NM-02) issued the following statement after President Obama's final State of the Union Address:

GǣTonight, the President demonstrated how out-of-touch he is with the American people. When he risks our national security or damages our health care system that hurts American jobs, he calls it an accomplishment. He cannot implement his policies without increasing taxes. Instead of helping Americans, he has put their jobs, economy, and way of life at risk.

GǣAll of us are looking for a government that is effective, efficient, and accountable to the people. This country stands as a symbol, a destination where generations came looking for a better life. We must renew this promise to the American people. Looking forward, we have an opportunity in 2016 to drive bold ideas that redesign our government and will define a newer, bolder vision for America. A vision that that lowers taxes, makes America energy independent, brings manufacturing jobs back to our shores, and upholds the Constitution. It is time we put the American people back in charge of their own lives,Gǥ said Congressman Pearce.