Category: Non-Local News Releases Non-Local News Releases
Published: 18 July 2017 18 July 2017

SANTA FE, NM – Today, State Auditor Tim Keller released a special audit of water issues in Jal, a rural community near Hobbs. The audit was initiated after the Office of the State Auditor (OSA) received information suggesting that water utility credits were provided to a private customer in violation of the state's Constitution. The audit covers the period from 2008 through 2016 and found improper adjustments and billings totaling over $660,000. OSA recommends immediate corrective action to restore funds and guard against improper city financial agreements.

"When we're talking about a city giving away over half a million dollars in water, a handshake deal doesn't cut it," stated State Auditor Tim Keller. "Every deal made with public funds must have appropriate documentation and authorizations so taxpayers know what they're getting and what they're giving away in return. Without that, the City seems to have violated a core tenant of good government by trading public resources to individuals for personal gain."

The audit found the following:

The City of Jal has developed new policies and procedures to strengthen internal controls over water billing practices. As part of the annual audit process, the OSA will review the adequacy of the steps the City has taken to address the shortfalls.

The OSA previously issued a Risk Advisory regarding municipal utility billing practices that is available here:

The complete audit is available here:

The Office of the State Auditor helps government work better by providing transparency and accountability for government spending; informing policy choices; and tackling fraud, waste and abuse. OSA is an independently elected executive agency responsible for examining the use of public dollars in New Mexico.