Category: Non-Local News Releases Non-Local News Releases
Published: 02 April 2020 02 April 2020

cattle cesNew Mexico State University Cooperative Extension Service is hosting beef cattle reproduction workshops online via on April 7 and April 14. Cattle producers may attend while staying at home in accordance to the COVID-19 pandemic social distancing guidelines. (NMSU photo)Two beef cattle reproduction workshops postponed in March due to the COVID-19 pandemic are now planned for online delivery in April.

New Mexico State University Cooperative Extension Service will host two workshops through Zoom. The programs will be presented by Marcy Ward, NMSU Extension livestock specialist and Craig Gifford, NMSU beef cattle specialist.

“We have had a lot of inquires about having these workshops,” said Newt McCarty, NMSU Extension agricultural agent in Valencia County, who is coordinating the workshops. “When we were directed to not have face-to-face events, we decided to offer them over the Internet. This is my first attempt using this technology for educational program presentations.”

The first workshop, “Anatomy and Endocrinology” will be from 6 to 8 p.m., Tuesday, April 7. Registration is required and can be accessed HERE.

“Participants will gain a greater understanding of beef cattle reproduction and endocrine systems, as well as the best practices for assisting with calving difficulties,” McCarty said.

The second workshop, “Reproductive Technologies, EPDs & Sire Selection,” will be from 6 to 8 p.m., Tuesday, April 14. Registration is required and can be accessed HERE.

“The second session will focus on reproduction technologies, expected progeny difference and selecting the best sires for heifers,” McCarty said.

Gifford will present an introduction to the use of pharmacological agents to control the female cow’s reproductive cycle and time ovulations to incorporate reproduction technologies, including artificial insemination and embryo transfer.

Ward will explain how to read and use expected progeny differences to select sires for herd improvement.

Participants will need to download Zoom onto their computers prior to the program and register for the scheduled workshops. Participants will be able to watch the session and ask questions through Zoom.

Two Beef Quality Assurance continuing education units will be credited for participation in each workshop.