James Patrick Chavez, 57, Deming resident passed away Thursday, January 25, 2024 at his residence.
Visitation will
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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}James Patrick Chavez, 57, Deming resident passed away Thursday, January 25, 2024 at his residence.
Visitation will
...Olga M. Sera, 87, lifelong Deming resident passed away on Saturday, January 27, 2024 at her home
National Geographic names Route 66 through New Mexico as one of top travel experiences for 2024
...Senator Greg Baca Issues Statement Following Passage of Gun Legislation Targeting Law-Abiding
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A new graduate program at New Mexico State University that trains nurses for careers as certified
...As part of the Nelson-Boswell Reading Series, La Sociedad para Las Artes and the Department of Art
...SANTA FE – Gov. Michelle Lujan unveiled a water action plan at the State Capitol Tuesday with
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...At its December 2023 meeting, the New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority (MFA) Board of Directors –
RPNM Legislative Updates <
Democrats Kill ‘Revolving Door' Bill &
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Santa Clara gets update on projects
By Lynn Janes
The Village of Santa Clara held a meeting
...By Lynn Janes
The Silver City Town Council held a regular meeting January 9, 2024. Attendance to the
...By Roger Lanse
Grant County law enforcement agencies, through blotter reports, record that 140
...BY: Mick Mastroianni and Johnny Hart
BY: Mason Mastroianni, Mick Mastroianni and Johnny Hart
[Editor's Note: This is part 3 of the Grant County Commission work session on Jan. 9, 2024. This
...Artists and visitors had a great time visiting, tasting treats and listening to live music. Photo
Jerry Alcario Santoyo, 57, a resident of Lordsburg, NM entered eternal rest Sunday, January 14,
Norman Kurtzman, 77, a resident of Silver City, NM, entered eternal rest Thursday, January 25,
...Thin ice presents a very real risk of falling into frigid water
QUEMADO, NM, January 29, 2024 –
...WNMU's Light Hall at February 17, 2024, 7PM to benefit the Silver City Rotary Club Foundation and
...Contractor to repair 14 miles of forest roads damaged by post-Black Fire flooding
...Esperanza S. Ornelas, 96, of Lordsburg passed away Thursday, January 25, 2024 at Copper Canyon
Computer Class-Basics
Wednesday, February 7, 3:00-5:00pm
Silver City Public Library, 515 W.
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