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3168 Eric_Cashier_at_Coop

Photo: Eric Lynch, cashier at Silver City Food Co-op

Silver City, NM October 12, 2011 -- During


REBUTTAL from spokesperson from Martinez's Political Action Committee.
"The most important point


WASHINGTON - U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman today announced that the Navajo Nation and the state of


Watch Bingaman's floor speech.

WASHINGTON - U.S. Senators Jeff Bingaman and Tom Udall today


WASHINGTON - In an effort to bolster job creation in the United States, U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman today


WASHINGTON - WASHINGTON - U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman today talked with New Mexico radio reporters about a


Silver City, NM -Chihuahua Hill and the area near Silver High School will be the focus of


Washington, DC (October 12, 2011) Today, Congressman Steve Pearce voted in favor of the free trade


Washington, DC (October 12, 2011) Today, Congressman Steve Pearce issued the following statement in



Accident - Injuries

Hwy. 61 & Hwy. 180

Caller reported one vehicle side-swiped and the

Hurley Copper Country Holiday Bazaar
Sat., Oct. 15 Hurley Community Center
9 am - 4 pm
Great Gift

-- Less than a week after a coalition of health care advocates delivered the signatures of 1,500


The Public Library announces an upcoming author event with Gladys Swan. The program will be held


The Public Library announces an upcoming author event with David Remley. The program will be held at


SANTA FE -Governor Susana Martinez signed the Capital Outlay Bill Tuesday which includes $1.85


SANTA FE - The Economic Development Department's MainStreet Program has received a $1 million


Cody Petty, Chairman of the Republican Party of Grant County, announced that Ben Hall, Public


SANTA FE - Governor Susana Martinez will attend the Tough Enough to Wear Pink Fashion Show


Discover Hidalgo County event Oct. 15 in Lordsburg at North Park, between B and C Streets and West


The Greer Family - Lindley Creek Bluegrass will appearing at the Silco Theater in Silver City at 7


With La Niña strengthening drought conditions will likely persist and intensify in some regions,


Washington, DC (October 11, 2011) Today, Congressman Steve issued the following statement


WASHINGTON - U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman today will take part in a Senate Finance Committee meeting to


The Grant County Board of Commissioners is currently seeking applications for an open spot on the


The SW New Mexico Green Chamber of Commerce and Silver City Chapter of the New Mexico Solar Energy


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