Category: Chamber Corner Chamber Corner
Published: 04 November 2020 04 November 2020

It's Wednesday morning, November 4, 2020, the day after the General Election. You went to bed last night, not sure what the outcome of the Presidential Election was going to be, and this morning you're not really sure you even want to know. It's not that you don't want to know who won the election but, for the past several months, we have been getting bombarded with campaign chatter and rhetoric telling us that the world is going to fall apart if President Trump is re-elected or that a Biden presidency will mean doom for our country! My head is spinning after listening to all of the psycho-babble in the media and making sense of it all is impossible. I'm here to tell you what you need to do today now that the election is over in order to survive the next four years, no matter who is in the White House! Follow my advice and you will be ok.

First, open your eyes and give thanks for this new day! If you're like millions of Americans, you are waking up today with the promise of a bright future! The sun will shine, the songbirds will sing their morning tunes, and the possibilities of your life are endless. You are waking up this morning and what you do, from this moment on, into the next 24 hours is entirely up to you.

Given the mood of the country when you went to bed last night, I'm sure you are a tad bit unsure as to what you will find when you open your eyes and prepare to take on the day. Don't worry, if you go out and talk to 5 people today about the election, three of them will probably agree with you. If you don't like those odds, then talk to 3 more people.

Once you get out of bed and get yourself dressed make sure to go into your kitchen and fix yourself a nutritious breakfast. They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and you never want to tackle the world on an empty stomach. When you go out into the world on an empty stomach you will be cranky and moody. When you are cranky and moody it makes people think that you are simply mad at the world when, in reality, you're only hungry! Don't be cranky and moody!

My next bit of advice is about what you do for the rest of the day. If you work, go to work! If you are searching for a job, keep searching! If you are retired, don't rub it in! Either way just keep doing what you normally do. Today is a new day and our country is stronger than it ever has been.

There are noisy segments in our country who love to hear themselves shout. Those segments of our society are usually where you will find the extreme believers. The rest of society consists of the moderate people. Those people are the middle of the road people. The "go-with-the-flow" people. These people are the ones who will keep on keeping on and doing what they do best. They mind their own business and they understand that the world will go on.

Finally, the best way to survive the next four years is to love your neighbor! Understand that there are people out there with different opinions than yours. Love them anyway! Understand that there are people who are committed to their own beliefs and they may be relentless in trying to convert you over to their way of thinking. Love them anyway! The diversity of our society is what adds to the richness of our culture. Accept people for their differences and understand that they are accepting you for yours!

Elections are important and we must all live with the results of our most recent election. If you don't like the way things turned out yesterday you have three choices. 1. Live with it! 2. Accept it! 3. Get involved in the process and try to change it! Until then, give thanks for another day, and sing along with the birds. The world is still turning and you've got a life to live.