Category: Your Business Connection Your Business Connection
Published: 21 August 2020 21 August 2020

New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) partnered with former Congressional Candidate Brett Kokinadis on a new initiative called "Dare to Change New Mexico." For 92 years, elected leaders have failed to produce the quality of life New Mexicans deserve. The results speak for themselves: 46th in median household income, 49th in education, 48th in best states for business, 2nd in poverty, 50th in child wellbeing, 1st in alcohol related deaths and the highest suicide rate in the nation.

NMBC President and Founder Carla Sonntag said, "It's time to consider a new path forward. The only way for our citizens and businesses to prosper is through electing a legislature that is balanced and responsive to the needs of New Mexicans."

To start the project, Dare to Change New Mexico will share real life stories of the hardships New Mexicans have faced under the Governor's Public Health Orders.

"Every COVID-19 death is tragic, but so are deaths from increased suicide, alcoholism, drug abuse, and cancelled health screenings, which aren't being accounted for in the state's daily updates, Sonntag said. "The associated economic devastation our families are facing due to the loss of businesses and jobs will be difficult to overcome."

Brett Kokinadis added, "We've surpassed the administration's gating criteria to re-open our state responsibly. Yet, our economy is in a free-fall with no end in sight. Families, and especially our children, are suffering while our elder's medical needs are pushed aside merely for political posture. The stark reality of what New Mexicans are facing transcends political ideologies and must be addressed. The time to change over 92 years of doing the same thing, hoping for different results, is now."
Dare to Change New Mexico (DCNM) is a statewide nonpartisan initiative that challenges people to consider a different path for our state. DCNM focuses on sharing real life stories of New Mexicans as well as accurate information about candidates. For more information, please visit our website at