Category: Undeniably Right Undeniably Right
Published: 24 January 2020 24 January 2020

When most politicians are trying to get elected or after they've been elected, they are laying out their vision for their state or the country, they paint a Utopian picture of what their plans will create. They believe they can get rid of inequality in every aspect of our life whether it be income equality, access to higher education, or access to health care. They also want everyone to be treated equally as evidenced by their claim to have everyone pay their ‘fair share,’ which never turns out to meet any definition of the word fair. If you were to compare the picture painted by these politicians to reality it would be comparable to comparing the Mona Lisa to my attempts at painting something similar; unrecognizable.

Let's take a look at the reality liberals have created in our country, especially in those states that they have controlled almost completely for decades. California, Illinois, Michigan, and New Jersey would be great examples. Politicians in these states have been very good in painting the picture of what they want their states to become but in reality, they have the highest rates of unemployment, crime, poverty, and every other infliction suffered by society.

Imagine this scenario in San Francisco which claims to be one of the most progressive cities in the world passing almost every liberal cure for the Hills of society. You own a restaurant and one of your waitresses provides plastic straws to a table of customers that did not request plastic straws. This upsets your customers, and they call police who come to investigate the crime. The 18-year-old that made the honest mistake could be arrested and you could be given a ticket for the violation. That scenario is crazy enough in and of itself.

But while the police are investigating the plastic straw crime, a homeless man squats in front of the door to your restaurant and defecates on the sidewalk. While disgusting and a threat to the health of your staff and your customers, it is not illegal in the City by the Bay. Or at least it has been decriminalized and will not be investigated or prosecuted by the city officials.

That would be bad enough, but it could get worse. While the police are deciding whether or not to arrest the waitress, another person walks into your restaurant and takes several desserts off of the dessert tray, including the plates, and walks away without paying for the desserts. Clearly that is theft but because the amount is less than $900 the police will not take any action. City officials have determined that they cannot respond to all of the petty crimes committed by people in San Francisco so shoplifting or theft up to that dollar amount will not be prosecuted.

In the America created by the liberals, you as the business owner are watching your employee being put into the back of a police car for the crime of giving a customer a plastic straw, while another employee is cleaning up a pile of human waste, and the rest of your wait staff is telling the remaining customers that you don't have any dessert today. Welcome to Utopia.

—Mike Rowse