Category: Undeniably Right Undeniably Right
Published: 17 July 2020 17 July 2020

The conversations about the future of our country are becoming more frequent and more pessimistic. It doesn't matter if it's the average citizen like you and me or from people that have been elected to office, I have been asked more often in the last few weeks if I believe the future of our country is at stake than at any time in the 20 years I've been putting my opinions into the public forum. The commonly held opinion is that the future of our Republic will hinge on what happens in November and if the progressives get their candidates elected, we will lose our Republic. I happen to agree with them.

Earlier this week I was approached by two individuals, at separate times, and asked if I thought a revolution was imminent. If the progressives get their candidates elected giving people like our governor more power and support in the legislative branch, I do believe that some revolutionary action is likely. I'm not necessarily talking about armed conflict, but some actions will be taken, such as a convention of states or protests on a massive scale.

The more important issue is that we can stop this threat to our Republic. I sincerely believe that more people in this country want less government intrusion into their lives. They have seen the attempts by the ruling class to limit or infringe upon our rights such as our Second Amendment rights, limiting our First Amendment rights, and imposing regulations without legal justification. This frustration reaches across all demographic groups and political affiliations. Therein lies the solution, participation.

Too often the progressives turn out in higher numbers than the moderates, independents, or conservatives. Our challenge between now and November is to be more vocal and active in energizing the majority to get out and vote. We often do not like to "force" our opinions upon others even though we might be comfortable in discussing current events that reflect our opinions. We don't like to push people or nag them about being involved in the political process but that is exactly what we have to do now. The future of our country, our families, and our communities depends upon it.

There is nothing wrong with asking friends or family members if they have voted , you don't have to ask them for whom they voted, but if they have not offer to take them to the polls or get them an absentee ballot. Nag them until they go vote, unless they're going to vote for progressives then you can lock them in the closet. If we work to turn out incomparable percentages as the progressives turn out, there is no doubt in my mind that we will carry the day.

The second thing we need to do is demand that our elected officials and party officials monitor the elections process and speak out when they see something that is not right or has the appearance of being wrong. Too often, including elections on the local basis, we have seen manipulation of the vote count or absentee ballots. We have seen people who have been purged from the voting records because they no longer live here or have passed, having votes recorded in their name. The liberals and progressives will pull out every trick in the book to try and win this election.

Our nation was founded upon the idea that we would be a participatory Republic, which means you and I have to participate in the political process. Because our nation's founders put into place a framework that facilitated unprecedented freedom and economic growth, we have become complacent. We have allowed governmental bodies to take more control over our lives a little bit at a time. In the last year we have seen them accelerate that desire for control. In order to protect our future and return our nation to the principles upon which it was founded we must participate. Educate yourselves, educate your friends and family, and get out and vote!