Category: Community News Community News
Published: 07 July 2020 07 July 2020

20200701 140344Brandon Wilson shows Heidi Ogas and Gigi Shoaf of the High Desert Humane Society how the bleach maker works.Brandon Wilson is the grandson of the late Dr. John Wilson of Silver City. Brandon had been active in the Peace Corps until the Covid-19 pandemic shut down the program. One thing they had been working on was a way to provide safe drinking water to under-developed countries. During that process the company they were working with, WaterStep, developed an economical way to make bleach.

It uses table salt and water. One 26 oz container of table salt will make 2 gallons of bleach and takes about one hour per gallon to complete. The machine runs off of regular house current or an adapter will allow you to use a battery.

The bleach is the same strength of regular household bleach found in stores and has a shelf life of about 2 weeks.

Brandon now works for WaterStep, as a  special project consultant, and graciously donated one of the units to the Humane Society in honor of his grandfather. He also donated one to El Refugio domestic violence shelter.