Category: Community News Community News
Published: 22 January 2021 22 January 2021

town and countryDann-ben Seeland, Secretary; Tom Hester, volunteer of the year; LuAnne Bruton, Vice president; Joella McNally, treasurer; Nancy Fischer, co-manager and Katy Martino, co-managerSilver City MainStreet is acknowledging downtown businesses that have persevered during the COVID pandemic with Downtown Silver City Strong awards. The awards are a way to say thank you to businesses that have worked hard to stay open and find new and creative ways to operate. Silver City MainStreet is grateful that they are located downtown. 

Thanks to a generous donor, Silver City MainStreet is able to give each business owner an award plaque. The latest recipient is Town and Country Garden Club Thrift Store.

Town and Country Garden Club is a 501c3 charity founded 60 years ago to support the community by giving yearly donations to local charities. TCGC Thrift Store has made these cash donations possible through the sales of items donated from our community to the store. The longevity of this nonprofit club is by being flexible.

The longevity of this nonprofit club is due to being flexible to change. Many upgrades have recently been made to the store; from new management, new paint, accepting credit and debit cards and remodeling the store for easier access for our customers.

We carry items to fit everyone's budget; from clothes, shoes, household and linen items, books, to dog stuff, camping gear, and childrens toys.

TCGC adheres to the Governor's Covid guidelines; "Mask to be Worn" sign on the front door, customer's hands are sprayed upon entrance, only five people at a time are allowed in the store, and there is a sneeze guard shield on the front desk to protect both volunteers and customers. All clothes, linens, bedding, and stuffed animal donations are laundered.

Donated shoes are cleaned with bleach, polished and sized. When customers try on clothes in the dressing room, those clothes are promptly washed.

Throughout all this Covid chaos, when a customer comes into the Thrift Store they are welcomed and thanked for coming in. Whether they purchase an item or not, the customer hears, "Thank you for coming in and have a wonderful day!" as they walk out the door. The managers (Nancy and Katy) appreciate how much our volunteers and customers help keep a 60 year old store open and viable.

Please remember all the small businesses and support those working so hard to keep downtown and Silver City diverse and vibrant.

Please take all health and safety precautions for yourself and others in our community by wearing a mask and social distancing. Our community health as a whole depends on working together, and small businesses are the lifeblood of the Downtown Silver City economy. We want to make sure they continue to stay successful while maintaining appropriate public health safety measures.

The mission of Silver City MainStreet is "To encourage a vibrant, historic downtown Silver City which is recognized as the heart of our diverse community." Please visit our website, to learn more.